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Tips for cleaning and maintaining car windows

Car window cleaning and maintenance top tips

It’s important to keep your car windows neat and clean — as dictated by safety and the neatness factor. Dirty or streaky windows can reduce your visibility and this can go hand in glove, especially in bright sunlight or driving at night. Read our blog on car window cleaning.

  1. Use the right cleaning products
    Not all cleaning aids are safe for car windows. If you use some household cleaners they can contain its harsh chemicals, which could damage tint or leave streaks on your glass. Using a cleaner made especially for car windows—or a homemade concoction of water and vinegar—do it for best results. Ammonia containing products can ruin tinted windows, so avoid them.
  2. Clean Windows in the Shade
    Direct sunlight may dry the cleaner from your car window too quickly, leaving streaks. You want to clean your windows during shade, if possible, or on a cool, cloudy day so you’ve time to wipe off the cleaner in an even way.
  3. Use Microfiber Cloths
    If there’s anything better than using a microfiber cloth for wiping your car windows, we didn’t find it. They’re soft, absorbent and haven’t got the lint left over after like paper towels or regular cloths. Apply the cleaner with one microfiber cloth and buff it with another dry cloth for a streak free finish.
  4. Wipe in a Circular Motion
    When applying cleaner makes sure to do so with a circular motion to help loosen dirt and grime. It helps break up any stray spots or smudges that just won’t come out on the glass. Where the cleaner is applied, you then switch to an up and down motion with a dry cloth for a streak free finish.
  5. Clean Both Sides of the Glass
    Number 5, on our car window cleaning list is to clean both sides of the glass. Remember the ‘inside’ of your car windows get as dirty as the outside. The interior surfaces can fog, build up dust and fingerprints, reducing visibility. Clean both inside and outside of your windows regularly to keep a clear view.
  6. But do pay extra attention to the edges.
    The very places that dirt and grime like to seep in, which usually end up in the rubber seals of a car window. Gently scrub away the dirt from the corners and edges by using a small brush, or an old toothbrush. When you clean, make sure not to damage the window seals.
  7. Windshield Wipers Are Not Forgotten
    When it’s raining, clean windshield wipers are vital, allowing clear windows. Unsurprisingly, dirt and grime can … stick to wiper blades over time, leaving streaks on your windshield. If the blades are worn out replace them, or wipe down the blades with a damp cloth to take the debris off.
  8. Anti Fog Products Prevent Fogging
    Not only are fogged up windows annoying, but they are also dangerous when you are driving. You can avoid misting windows by applying an anti fog solution to the inside. And there are DIY versions, such as wiping your window with a little shaving cream to reduce fogging.
  9. Proper Tools Will Help Avoid Scratches
    To clean your car windows, don’t use tools that might scratch the glass. While there are a lot of really great cleaning tools that you should not hesitate to use from steel wool to scouring pads, avoid using anything sharp or abrasive. To avoid scratching your windows, use nothing but soft cloths, gentle cleaners.
  10. Clean Your Windows Regularly
    The only way to keep your windows clean and clear is by regular maintenance. Over time, dust, dirt and water spots can build up and be harder to clean off of glass, which affects your visibility. In addition to being a great way to improve your car maintenance routine, making window washing a part of your routine will help your windows stay spotless.


Clean and maintain your car windows with regular car window cleaning to ensure safety and appearance. by cleaning and looking after your car windows because they are necessary for your car drive to pass safely and also to keep the beauty of your car. You can keep your windows in like new condition by making sure that right cleaning products and methods are used.

If you do not have time for implementation or prefer specialist attention, Coastal Motor Advisory can offer you vehicle care tips by experts or suggest trusted service providers to help you to care for your car properly. Clear vision is the first step to safe driving so don’t forget to clean your windows when car window cleaning!

Check out our 10 easy tips to make sure you keep your car as clean and fresh as possible!

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